Viget, May 2013 - Present
- Front End Developer
USA TODAY, May 2010 - April 2013
- Manager, Development 11/2012 - 04/2013
- Senior Web Developer 10/2011 - 11/2012
- Web Developer 05/2010 - 10/2011
Build high-performance web applications for usatoday.com, with a focus on front-end development.
As a team lead during the development of the recently re-launched usatoday.com, I helped rebuild the site from scratch using Python (Django), HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Assembled a custom JavaScript stack including Modernizr, Require.js, Backbone.js and jQuery to layer a single-page web app on top of the traditional news website. Utilized CSS3 transforms to create a seamless and more engaging user experience.
MPRI, May 2008 - April 2010
- Web Developer
Front-end developer for www.army.mil, the official website of the United States Army.
Transformed mock-ups into HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP (CodeIgniter) for Army news pages and microsites. Performed similar duties for CORE, a rebuild of the CMS. Supported legacy browsers, such as IE6, and helped implement best practices for Section 508 compliance.